
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Secret Discoveries (part 9)

Secret Discoveries Part 9 SRS

Crystal slowly approached the object, drawn toward the white light that was being emitted from the orb. As she reached the ball, the light faded and the scene with her and Merlin resumed. Her previous questions still hung in the air, “Am I to know and deduce what all this means? Because there are many things that are bearing on my mind, none of which, I fear, I will be able to answer on my own. May I ask them of you or must I hold my tongue?” With a polite inquiring look, Crystal finished her statement and gazed up at the tall figure of Merlin, waiting. He tilted his head slightly to the right and smiled down and the girl.

“Child,” he said. “You do not know what you ask of me, or you would have lessened the burden of these statements. For me to explain all that has transpired and all that will, would require me to be the G-d I am not. However, you are right to ask about the past. Though I may only reveal some of it at a time, you must be patient. Speak your questions to me now and I will answer a few for the time being. It may be that you will come to realize the others in the near future.”

Shuffling her feet, Crystal thought about what Merlin response, “Very well,” sighed Crystal, “I will unleash my tongue to questions.” With that she stood up strait and attempted to carry herself like the princess she was supposed to be. Crystal shifted through the many questions in her mind and decided on the ones that were most prevalent and of the broadest scope, so that she might spawn new questions with their answers. “Firstly, where am I? Secondly, why have a come here? And thirdly, what am I to do here? These are three of the many questions consuming my mind, I will continue when these are dealt with.”

With a content smile Merlin responded, “Honorable questions, my girl, I will try to answer them to your liking. As of now, you are in my house, this is the back door. As you have notice, you are not in Camelot, you are in my Isle, though you might be leaving very soon. Why have you come here, why not? You have been summoned to prove your abilities in wit, intelligence, and self dependence. It is necessary for us to know what your strengths are and if we might trust you with future tasks. To deduce this you must be tested. So answers your third question, you are here to be yourself and find the balance within your characteristics. After accomplishing this you will be able to reach the heights you were born to.” With a twinkle in his eye, Merlin finished, turned to his right, and started into the tunnel to the far right of the entrance way.

Crystal had not expected his abrupt departure from the room, and had to collect herself before fully realizing what he was doing. By the time she could move her body in response, he was half immerged in the shadows of the tunnel. Running after him, afraid to be alone again, Crystal followed Merlin into the dimly lit tunnel.