
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Message Board Jan 22, 2008

Let's keep this update short... Ahem.

Thanks for visiting, and please do come again.




Sarah Rutti said...

OMG! three things I love about this pic
1.) the scarf
2.) the chello or violin?
3.) her green eyes

I have no idea how to spell chello, sorry.

SEP said...

He he. I love this picture as well, but my favorite item is first and foremost are:
1) Eyes
2) Hair
3) The cello (you were close with the spelling- I also would have spelled it wrong. [Bless spell check!]) Yeah, I think it's way too large to be a violin.

Sarah Rutti said...

I really like this colour scheme. It clears up the page and makes it brighter. Additionally, I love the cursive writing off to the side. It's great, a lot better then the previous one. ;-)

SEP said...

Yeah! I'm glad that you like it. I tinkered with the layout a bit to change a few things that bothered me, but overall I am very pleased with this. Of course, let's keep an eye out for any other layouts we might like.

Sarah Rutti said...

I'm gonna go waist my time for 10 minutes, before I attack econ, and try to find another layout for my Back 2 Reality. I"ll email you any layouts that I think you'll like.

SEP said...

Thanks Sarahle, that's really thoughtful of you. Enjoy your blog layout wanderings! We'll be speaking soon I hope... :D